Research Projects
Working Papers and Work in Progress
Leader Risk Mitigates the Effects of Pay Inequality on
Team Coordination: An Experiment (with Aurelie Dariel and Nikos Nikiforakis). Working Paper. Revise & Resubmit, The Leadership Quarterly
Eliciting Thresholds for Interdependent Behavior (with Moritz Janas and Nikos Nikiforakis). NBER Working Paper 32847.
The Tower of Babel Revisited: Trade and Language in Diverse Markets (with Sheen Levine and Bart Wilson). Coming soon.
Preventing Impasses in Deadline-Driven Negotiations (with Olivier Bochet and Manshu Khanna). Coming soon.
Coalitional Negotiations with Multiple Streams (with Kyle Hyndman and Mert Kimya). In Progress.
Non-Severe Adverse Selection (with Olivier Bochet and Jack Adeney). In Progress.
Measuring Social Tipping Potential in Climate Change Action (with Moritz Janas and Nikos Nikiforakis). In Progress.
Measuring Conspicuous Consumption Using Threshold Models (with Moritz Janas and Nikos Nikiforakis). In Progress.
9. Predicting Norm Change Using Threshold Models (with Moritz Janas and Nikos Nikiforakis). Current Opinion in Psychology 62 (2025): 101994. Paper,
8. Beyond Dividing the Pie: Multi-Issue Bargaining in the Laboratory (with Olivier Bochet and Manshu Khanna). Review of Economic Studies 91 (2024): 163-191. Paper, Replication Package,
7. Commitment Timing in Coalitional Bargaining (with Aaron Kamm). Paper, Online Appendix. Experimental Economics 27 (2024): 130-154.
6. Pathways to Prosocial Leadership: An Online Experiment on the Effects of External Subsidies and the Relative Price of Giving (with Blaine Robbins, Daniel Karell, and Aaron Kamm). European Sociological Review (2023): jcad078. Paper,
5. Predicting Social Tipping and Norm Change in Controlled Experiments (with James Andreoni and Nikos Nikiforakis). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2021): e2014893118. Paper, Supporting Information, Supersedes “Social Change and the Conformity Trap”. NBER Working Paper, VoxEU
4. Referral Hiring and Wage Formation in a Market with Adverse Selection (with Aurelie Dariel and Arno Riedl). Games and Economic Behavior 130 (2021): 109-130. Paper, Online Appendix,
3. Competition and Price Transparency in the Market for Lemons: Experimental Evidence (with Olivier Bochet). American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 13 (2021): 113-140. Paper, Online Appendix, Replication Package,
2. Better Later than Never: An Experiment on Bargaining Under Adverse Selection (with Olivier Bochet). International Economic Review 59 (2018): 947-971. Paper, Online Appendix,
1. Meet the Lemons: An Experiment on how Cheap-Talk Overcomes Adverse Selection in Decentralized Markets. Games and Economic Behavior 102 (2017): 147-161. Paper, Online Appendix,
Other Publications
Reproducibility in Management Science (Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration). Note: Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. Management Science 70 (2024): 1343-1356.
Social Tipping Points and Forecasting Norm Change (with James Andreoni and Nikos Nikiforakis). VoxEU (2021).