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Academic Positions / Education

2024 - Present

Associate Professor,
Jindal School of Management,
UT Dallas

2023 - Present

Research Economist, National Bureau of Economic Research

2017 - 2024

Assistant Professor,
Jindal School of Management,
UT Dallas


Postdoctoral Associate,
Social Science Division,
NYU Abu Dhabi


Swiss Program for Doctoral Students in Economics, University of Bern & Study Center Gerzensee

I visited Brown University in 2014 and UCSD in 2016. I have a BA in History and Economics, and a MSc in Climate Sciences from the University of Bern.

Fields of expertise: experimental economics, behavioral economics, managerial and business economics, game theory, public economics/social norms, industrial organization/bargaining, econometric analysis.

Designed and taught courses in business/managerial economics, markets and competition, auction theory, and advanced research methods to Executive DBAs, MBAs, and undergraduates for 7 years.

Grant writing: co-Pi of "Norm Change and Social Tipping in Large-scale Laboratory experiments" with Jim Andreoni and Nikos Nikiforakis (NSF, 2023-2026, $513,000).

Reviewer for over 35 academic journals and institutions, including Econometrica, AER: Insights, AEJ: Micro, JPE  Micro, Management Science, RAND, JFE, EJ, IER, JET, GEB, EER, EXEC, POM, PNAS, NatHumBeh, and the National Science Foundation.           

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